Ta na wa Yúus ta Stitúyntsam
Rights & Title
Squamish Connect Woodfibre LNG
This projects consists of a LNG (liquid natural gas) facility at the former Woodfibre pulp and paper mill on the west side of Howe Sound and includes a 50 km natural gas pipeline that runs from Coquitlam to the Woodfibre site (Eagle Mountain Pipeline).
The two projects are subject to the Nation’s environmental assessment (EA) process, the first legally-binding Indigenous-led environmental assessment of a project in Canada.
The Nation’s approval of Environmental Certificates for the Woodfibre LNG and FortisBC projects triggered the creation of an Environmental Working Group for each project. It is the job of the Environmental Working Groups to ensure the Nation’s environmental conditions are met.
Project Updates
Since June 2019, the Nation’s Environmental Working Group and the Environmental Subcommittee of the IBA Implementation Committee have published project updates through the community newsletters.Nation Updates
Letter from Nexwsxwníw̓ntm ta Úxwumixw | Update on Squamish Nation Distribution Program
To the Squamish People, The Squamish Nation Council is pleased to announce approval for a special payment, again this year, ahead of the holidays.
Our Children Our Way Society Welcomes New Ruling from the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, Demands Immediate Action from Canada on Jordan’s Principle
The Our Children Our Way Society is applauding the latest ruling from the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (CHRT) which reinforces the obligation of the Government of Canada to eliminate its systemic discrimination against First Nations children.