Community Initiatives

The Nation is undertaking a number of exciting projects and initiatives. Community engagement activities will be posted regularly on this page including events, surveys, and other feedback opportunities.

We want to hear from you.

The Nation is committed to engaging Members in a meaningful way as we address issues and make changes that will affect current and future generations. Below you will find current community initiatives. Click on a tile to learn more and find out which projects are looking for your feedback and input. This page will be updated as projects progress and new ones begin.

chet kw’enmantúmi (we thank you) for taking the time to share your thoughts. We value your input and involvement.

Active Projects

Additional Projects

This section includes community initiatives that not currently seeking input. This may mean projects that have ended or initiatives that are reviewing, or have reviewed, the information provided by Members and will report back on next steps.

The lacrosse box facility at Xwmélch’sten served the Nation lacrosse teams, individual players, and residents for many years. In 2021, it was determined that this facility was at the end of its lifecycle and needed to be replaced.

Erection of the roof is underway for the Ḵw’eshḵw’shétsutay̓ (Playing Place), also referred to as the Xwmélch’sten Multi-purpose Recreation/Lacrosse Box. The second and final phase of construction will be starting in May 2024 and will include everything under and around the roof structure, such as a washroom/changeroom building, the concrete playing surface, a basketball court, parking, and other landscaping.

The project is anticipated to be completed before the end of 2024.

If you have any questions about this project, please contact Nick Guidobono, Manager – Capital Projects at 604-904-7474.

Building our Elder’s Program for our Elders by our Elders

Starting in January 2022, the Squamish Nation Elder’s Program with support from Ts’ixwts’ixwnítway (Member Services),  actively connected with Elders, youth, and community – living within and outside of the community – to hear what you wanted for the future of your Sḵwx̱wú7mesh-ulh síiyuxwa7 (Squamish Nation Elders) Program. Based on your input the team created a meaningful and inclusive Elder’s Program Plan, for present and future generations, that is rooted in Sḵwx̱wú7mesh values and culture.

The revamped Elder’s Program was launched in October 2023. We look forward to updating you on the progress of the implementation in 2024.

If you have any questions about this project, contact the Project Planning Team at or 604-987-4646.

Between July and October 2022, we asked Members to answer questions about health, housing, jobs, education, language and culture, and other aspects of Sḵwx̱wú7mesh life.

Overall, we heard from roughly 1 in every 3 Members, and every generation was well represented in the census answers. chet kw’enmantúmi (we thank you) for the high levels of participation!

Learn more

Squamish Valley does not currently have a longhouse for ceremony/cultural use. As such, the Nation, through Nexwsxwníw̓ntm ta Úxwumixw (Council), has set aside funds for the development and construction of a longhouse for our communities in the area.

On August 18, 2020, Nexwsxwníw̓ntm ta Úxwumixw requested a Needs Assessment be completed by Ta na wa Shéway I7x̱w ta Úxwumixw (Planning & Capital Projects). In May 2022, the Needs Assessment Report was approved and a Business Case was requested to be completed.

If you have any questions about this project, please contact Nick Guidobono, Manager – Capital Projects at or 604-904-7474.

In 2020 leadership and senior management identified the need for a centralized administration and community services building on the North Shore, and an expanded administration facility in the Squamish Valley as a top priority for the Nation.

The building on the North Shore will become the face of the Nation: a vibrant one-stop centre that tells the story of Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw and where Members can access department services under one roof. In the Squamish Valley, leadership wants to understand what Member priorities are for St’á7mes as it expands under the Addition to Reserve (ATR) process finalized in 2021.

If you have any questions about this project, please contact Nick Guidobono, Manager – Capital Projects at or 604-904-7474.

The purpose of the Values & Principles survey is to answer the question “are administrative Staff doing the work in accordance with the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw’s organizational values,” because how we do the work is as important as the work itself.

Responses will be compiled into the Values and Principles Engagement Report 2024 and provided to Nexwsxwníw̓ntm ta Úxwumixw (Council). All responses will be kept anonymous, and you can choose to stop completing the survey at any time.

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