600 Affordable Homes Action Plan

Contact the Project Team
Email: pcprojects@squamish.net
Phone: 604-904-7474

The number one priority of the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw is housing all Members within a generation, defined as 25 years. It is estimated that 75% of Nation Members currently living off-reserve, approximately 1,650 people, would like to return home.

For the past 40 years, the Nation has built primarily single-family dwellings. Continuing with this approach would require at least 100 years to house all Members if sufficient land could even be found to do so. A new approach is needed that harnesses available land for high quality and higher density housing to bring Members home.

A favourable political, economic, and funding landscape has led the Nation to accelerate the timeline for new housing with the goal of starting construction on 600 Hiy̓ám̓ rental homes by the end of 2025. The Build 600 Affordable Homes Action Plan will be a practical action plan for how Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw, Hiy̓ám̓ Housing, and Nch’ḵay̓ Development Corporation will work together to make this goal a reality.

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