Wa Lhkwáyel Skwiyíńtsut
Climate Action Strategy
Contact the Project Team at climate@squamish.net or 604-982-0510.
Complete a surveyIndigenous knowledge is key to fighting climate change
In 2019, Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw passed a motion recognizing that we are in a climate emergency. Urgent action is needed to protect and strengthen the rights of the Squamish People, advance self-determination, protect quality of life, and enhance the health of our community.
In order to build a sustainable and resilient community, the Nation is developing the Wa Lhkwáyel Skwiyíńtsut (Climate Action Strategy).
Ta na wa Yúus ta Stitúyntsam̓ (Rights & Title) is leading this project with input from Membership, including via a Community Working Group.
The Climate Action Strategy will act as a guide for the Nation over the next 30 years, to reach the global deadline of net zero emissions by 2050. It will be a living document, updated and revised every 5 years.
Host a Community Workshop
Are you interested in hosting a workshop to share your knowledge about how to live an environmentally friendly lifestyle?
The Wa Lhkwáyel Skwiyíńtsut (Climate Action Strategy) Project Team is looking for community members who can share about fishing, smoking and canning, mending clothes, repairing bicycles, carpentry, foraging and anything else that connects our people to our lands and waters.
Time and materials will be covered by the Nation. For more information or to submit your workshop idea, email climate@squamish.net or call 236-333-3998.