Housing Engagement | Summer 2024

During the spring and summer of 2024, Ta na wa Shéway I7x̱w ta Úxwumixw (Planning & Capital Projects) and Wa Ns7eyx̱ ta Temíxw (Community Lands) are inviting Squamish People to share their feedback about the home and lot allocation process through two rounds of engagement. Round 1 included opportunities to learn about the Housing List and gather feedback about the Allocations Policy and process.

Nation staff used the feedback to develop recommendations to improve the clarity, transparency, and consistency of the Allocations Policy process. You can learn more about what we heard from community in this summary document or click through the sections below to read about the proposed updates.

We are now in Round 2 of engagement. Click here to complete a short survey on the proposed updates. The deadline is Friday, August 9, 2024 and you can enter to win a gift card at the end of the survey.

If you have any questions about this work, please email housingpolicy@squamish.net or call 604-904-7474.

44% of survey respondents felt that the Allocations Policy and process were not clear and easy to understand.

Recommended actions to improve clarity

  • Update the Allocations Policy to make it clear that allocations are not done annually. Rather, allocations will be considered for approval during the annual budgeting process.
  • Update the Housing List from the fiscal year of the previous allocation to the present year to eliminate multiple lists and reflect people’s current circumstances.
  • At least annually, remind applicants to update their information. Update the policy to specify the date that updates must be made to reflect accurately on the next publication of the Housing List.