Progress on Drinking Water Access in Cheakamus

In 2021, the Courts approved a Settlement Agreement between First Nations and Canada over unsafe drinking water in their communities. Nexwsxwníw̓ntm ta Úxwumixw (Council) voted to accept it in late 2022.

The Settlement Agreement also allows individual Members to seek compensation if they were affected by a drinking water advisory for at least one year between November 20, 1995, and June 20, 2021. The water concerns at Cheakamus IR 11 between October 7, 2011, and January 28, 2013 may make some Members eligible under the terms of the Settlement. A dedicated website has been set up with information about the Settlement and how to apply.

The Claims Assessment Tool on the website can help you determine whether you are eligible. You can also call the Claims Administrator at 1-833-252-4220 for assistance or speak to a lawyer for legal advice at 1-833-265-7589. Both services are completely free.

The deadline to submit a compensation claim has been extended to March 7, 2024. If you have any questions or need support, please email

Steps the Nation has taken

Safe drinking water on-reserve is a priority and significant progress has been made at Cheakamus. This Settlement and the funds received are just some of the many steps the Nation has taken to ensure safe drinking water for our community.

Ta na wa Shéway I7x̱ w ta Úxwumixw (Planning & Capital Projects) continually monitors the water system at Cheakamus.

Water is tested weekly for bacteria and monthly for hard metals. It has been determined to be healthy for drinking and meets the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality (GCDWQ). Bottled water is provided to households that prefer it.