Capilano River Fishing Closures | August & September

Update September 22, 2023

Thanks to your cooperation during the weekly 24 and 48-hour fishing closures, good numbers of salmon have been able to reach the Capilano Hatchery!

Regular fishing can now resume. Remember that Bylaw 16 for the Preservation, Protection and Management of Fish must still be followed at all times. Thank you for your cooperation.

We want to ensure that adequate numbers of salmon can reach the Capilano Hatchery for the health of future salmon runs. Due to the current drought conditions, not enough coho have reached the hatchery because the water levels in the river are too low.

To give salmon a better chance at reaching the hatchery, we are asking Members not to fish during certain time windows. For six weeks, from August 16 to September 20, 2023, there will be no fishing from 6:00 am on Wednesdays to 6:00 am on Fridays (48-hour period). Regular fishing can resume on Fridays after 6:00 am. This is to ensure we have healthy salmon populations for future generations.

Capilano Fish Guardians and Ta na wa Yúus ta Stitúyntsam̓ (Rights & Title) staff will be at the river during these fishing closures. If you have any questions, please come down to the river to meet the Fish Guardians, or email